
Siegfried Hernes currently working to dismantle and clean those of the aircraft instruments that it has not yet been done something. Although the instruments apparently seems to be in a very poor condition, is Siegfried now still on track to be able to dismantle them and clean them internally
. Some of them bear a clear mark of 70 year stay at the bottom of the fjord, while others have managed their remarkably well. A common feature appears to be that the glass and dials and bellows is broken, while the rest of the fine mechanics have fared very well. It will require a great effort both in terms of work, ability to fine motor work and knowledge to be able to put the instruments repaired.

Efforts continue to be re-assembled parts are disassembled in from the navigator mattress promote nose

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. in this work, there has been a special challenge to be able to take care of the original veneer plate belonging to the rear section of this adjustable sleepingmat. The original ball bearings are now back mounted and still works well.

Still working with Heinkel He 115 project hampered by us since January been ruled by the Armed Forces Museum is in a process where they will consider future ownership of equipment that is lent on landfill agreements. We therefore still some temporary some restrictions on the work of Heinkel He 115 project.

Siegfried Hernes in working with one of the plane's instruments.

A selection of the instruments that awaits Siegfried's expert hands.

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