
We are looking for a more comprehensive technical documentation for Heinkel He 115 than what we already have today. Our stock of technical documentation is currently limited to a collection of incomplete drawings and the flight manuals for sale at Archiv- Haffner. What we most hope to find is to share the manuals that all Germans of the current vintage aircraft types were equipped with. Beyond Spare Parts List / parts lists, we are of course interested in all information about Heinkel 115.

It is possible that at the end of the war there was no interest on the part of the victorious parties to take care of He 115 documentation. This is possibly because the aircraft already represented a then "outdated" technology. Therefore, this documentation was often left to its own fate.

Here in Norway, too, it seems as if Heinkel 115 the documentation has not been well taken care of. We have not been able to trace technical material that may have been left at the conclusion of the peace in 1945.

We have another hope that there may be more material in Sweden, and has therefore made several inquiries yours.

Our German friend, writer and author Christian König makes a great and impressive effort to help us with the search for documentation about the aircraft type. He uses his large network to call for material. Christian has also written articles in the magazines Flugzeug Classic and Luftwaffe Revue, where he calls for information on a replacement list for Heinkel 115.

Christian König on his visited with us 11. January 2019
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