
We are looking for a more comprehensive technical documentation for Heinkel He 115 than what we already have today. Our stock of technical documentation is currently limited to a collection of incomplete drawings and the flight manuals for sale at Archiv- Haffner. What we most hope to find is to share the manuals that all Germans of the current vintage aircraft types were equipped with. Beyond Spare Parts List / parts lists, we are of course interested in all information about Heinkel 115.

It is possible that at the end of the war there was no interest on the part of the victorious parties to take care of He 115 documentation. This is possibly because the aircraft already represented a then "outdated" technology. Therefore, this documentation was often left to its own fate.

Here in Norway, too, it seems as if Heinkel 115 the documentation has not been well taken care of. We have not been able to trace technical material that may have been left at the conclusion of the peace in 1945.

We have another hope that there may be more material in Sweden, and has therefore made several inquiries yours.

Our German friend, writer and author Christian König makes a great and impressive effort to help us with the search for documentation about the aircraft type. He uses his large network to call for material. Christian has also written articles in the magazines Flugzeug Classic and Luftwaffe Revue, where he calls for information on a replacement list for Heinkel 115.

Christian König on his visited with us 11. January 2019


A new summer is almost past, and it is again time to think about what work needs and should be done on our Heinkel He 115. The situation is now a little different than what the was before we finished the work before the holiday

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. There is an ongoing extensive and intensive works to finalize museum Bf 109 project. This work will be for a shorter period lay claim to very much of the area in the workshop. Accordingly, it be small area free for other work . We must, therefore, in this period limit our work into smaller parts that can be handled by the area we currently have available.

This restriction in the workshop area gives us extra time to think through what alternative methods we have available to preserve the aircraft originality of the longest possible period. It is the second and major players, that work to preserve the originality of sjøvrak of aircraft, done a lot of work to develop methods to stabilize the compositions of these wrecks. A method they have developed is to give the material an electrolytic treatment. We will in the future, and in cooperation with the other parties involved in He 115 project, make a new survey of which of the methods developed that may be relevant for our aircraft. This work will require that we make a wide range of requests among the actors has been involved in the development and use of the different methods.


We have during the time that has passed since last status update of the homepage, got clogged the parts of the end walls of Heinkel hall which is dressed with timber cladding . The use of dehumidifier inside the concrete hall has meant that this cladding has dried out and opened to allow moisture to migrate through all the gaps which are encountered in planking. The consequence of this has been that the weather conditions on the outside of hall in a substantial influence to the humidity inside the hall. We can Now measure that it is both a clearly more stable and significantly lower relative humidity inside the warehouse.

It is now summer and vacation time and this will affect the activity around the Heinkel He 115 project a while forwards .

It has also been worked on both with the plane's instruments and to make copies of brackets and mounts for rudder pedals

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. These latter should be used as plugs in støypeformer.

The main priority for the Heinkel He 115 the project is to preserve the aircraft so intact and untouched as possible. Yet there is a fact that the aircraft has remained at the bottom of a inlet in 70 year. Salt therefore drawn between aircraft many joints . Our challenge is therefore still finding a method that best safeguards the desire to make small engagement in the plane while ensuring that aircraft do not over time destroy. We looking therefore still active over a wide registry to find this. In one end of this registry finds a possibility of conducting a electrochemical desalination, while at the other end finds a possibility of completely or partially to dismantle the aircraft parts . The aircraft's center section is a complex construction with many very tight joint. It would therefore be difficult to remove salt from these joints. As part of the studies round choice of method we have recently spent some time on mapping how the center section is actually built. This is to provide an overview of how a whole or piecemeal removal thereof can carried.   

Efforts Heinkel He 115 project since January 2018 been hampered of the Armed Forces Museum is in a process where they will consider future ownership of equipment that is lent on landfill agreements. It now appears that this process has come so far that they imposed restrictions on work on aircraft soon can be raised.


We have just had the pleasure of having meet both managers and conservationists from Forsvarsmuseet, Jærmuseet and museum in Bodø. In addition to inspect aircraft, they gave us clear advice on what methods we can choose from ready to take care of the plane, in both the short and the long term. We got them learn that there are two very different methods to choose from
. One is to disassemble the aircraft completely and physically clean of salts and removing corrosion. The second is to wipe the plane completely out and not provide it any kind of preservative. This latter method involves the aircraft permanently be kept under very stable conditions with a relative humidity down to 15%.

It is gratifying to confirm that we are on the right path when we opted to dry out the hall where wings, center section and most of the parts that we have dismantled from the aircraft is stored. Interestingly, it is of course also to hear that there is a very clear correlation between the advice we were given by Professor Thorfinn Harbor, and the views and experiences communicated from professional expertise in Defense- Bodo museums.

Should one be able to stop corrosion in all the materials that the plane is composed of, we have yet a lot to strive for. We have the good days have seen a humidity down on 30% relative humidity in the hall. Unfortunately, we are also affected by this success. Trek wire which is used in parts of the end walls have dried out and we now have a considerable air leakage through this. We need to prioritize to get rectified before we can implement new measures to further get lowered relative humidity down ideal that is 15%.

We must therefore now a priority to continue to work to lower the humidity outside in the hall, while we still have a lot of work left to do to improve the way we have structured warehouse on

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. When winter temperatures do dat little deadlines to work further out in the hall, it is still our plan to begin working to rebuild the nose and cockpit sections.

From left Jeremy Hutchings, Target conservator / Head of collection- and Documentation Department, Armed Museums, Målfrid Snørteland, Director Jørmuseet, Målfrid Grimstvedt, chief curator Jærmuseet, Hans Dybvad Olesen, Avdelingsdiretør Jørmuseet and Sondre Hvam conservator Jærmuseet.

From left Anders Utgård, Boss, Air Defense Museum, Hanne Jakhelln, Director, Norwegian Aviation Museum, and Erling Kjærnes, Director, Armed Museums



A longer summer vacation coming to an end and we will soon be going again with our weekly Heinkel He 115 activities

. The main focus area of ​​work is still measures that can help to preserve the aircraft excellent condition in the years ahead

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. We have in this context had a major success in wiping out the warehouse
. A consequence of this success is that the drying has caused the timber top end walls are opened, and it will here be necessary to install a vapor barrier ( dressing with plastic ).

We will continuously in the future tell more about other plans and initiatives.


We have the weeks that have passed since the last update of the website been plagued with illness and minor injuries

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. There has therefore been no major progress is being made with plane
. Something positive things we can still pull forward and tell about.

The laborious task of repairing the damaged elevator has continued in this last period. The dehumidifier out in Heinkel hall has now been in operation for five weeks, and we see that the average relative humidity is now at 45%
. It is still accumulated moisture left in the concrete walls and furnishings. This must be wiped out before we can expect the level drops further down. We also do not yet adjusted dehumidifier in order to get right down to the lowest level. Rather, we have given priority to achieve a circulation of the air volume in the hall.

Magnetic switches and switches for gain control as we posted pictures of the last update is now fully preserved and mounted. We have since last dismantled start switches, and is now working to get cleaned these best interior. These are in a reasonably good condition and the goal is to get all the moving parts in the diss to work again. The plan is that they will now be in a final citric acid solution up in the ultrasonic cleaner. Previously, they have been washed in a kaldavfetting, lying up in the ultrasonic cleaner, and that they have been an electrolysis bath.

We have now found forward skateboard as navigator could lie on when this should either use the bomb sight, or operate MG 15 brand promotion in the nose. Finer levels and associated mechanisms are in a very good condition, but padding is unfortunately completely gone. Plywood board in the rear portion will now be dismantled to be in polyethylene glycol. From before, is the leading plywood board laid down the same liquid. The purpose of this is to prevent the pores of the veneer materials in the longer term should not collapse. The rest of the framework and roller mechanisms need cleaning, and all bearings need some rounds in various ultrasound before these hopefully again is functioning as intended.

Start switch before dismantling and a final round of cleaning
. The goal is to get all the moving parts of these to work again.

Start switch before dismantling and a final round of cleaning. The goal is to get all the moving parts of these to work again.

The underside of the navigator skateboard / sleeping pad

The underside of the navigator's skateboard / mats before further dismantling


Navigator skateboard set right unite in from. The picture was taken right after the plane was raised in 2012

Navigator skateboard seen from port rear. The picture was taken right after the plane was raised in 2012.

In the rear of the skateboard can here see the lever that the navigator used when this was going to lock the board in one of the positions. The picture was taken right after the plane was raised in 2012.

Front starboard corner of the navigator's skateboard. The picture was taken right after the plane was raised in 2012.



We have during the last month spent a lot of time on things that are directly related to utørkingen of Heinkel Hallen. Air dryer is now booted, and we see it all now a solid reduction of the relative humidity in the hall. Since the hall is made of concrete and first used as a water reservoir, for so ago to also be used as a “carwash”, is the amount of moisture to be dried, something that will take a piece of time.

Since it is winter and cold and miserable outside in the hall, has an effort is also built in the workshop, with the broken elevator.

We have recently experimented with the use of electrolysis to clean different materials for residual salts and corrosion products. The method is time-consuming, but is very effective

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. Attached some images of a magnet switch for one engine, and a switch for gain control of one of the propellers. As the pictures show, these were in a shaky condition when they were taken out of the pilot's trottleboks. They were then first placed middle of an ocean bath consisting of Biltema kaldavfetting and driven for several hours in an ultrasonic wash with 60 degrees c. They were so they put down in a 10 % citric acid solution, and since scrubbed well under running hot water, before they were added to neutralize in a 1,5% alkaline Blue Gold soap solution. After the switches had been a while, they were recently opened up, and internal components given a thorough soap scrub under hot water
. Although the portions thereafter as reasonably good, we decided to put them in an electrolysis bath, with an associated new round of a citric acid Following this. We are very pleased with the results of this electrolysis treatment. In particular, we can mention that the thin hinges down on the side of the boxes now possible to open and close, the thin chains look like new, and that “handles” top of the switches again be separated.

Magnet switches before they were taken out of trottlekassen.

Magnetic switch before we began cleaning

The switches for gain control before they were taken out of trottlekaasen.

Switch for pitch control before we started on cleaning


The switches in December 2016 after we had finished the first round of purification, and before they were opened and since placed in an electrolytic bath.

Switch gain control treatment in an electrolytic bath and a final purification of citric acid.

Switch gain control treatment in an electrolytic bath and a final purification of citric acid.

Switch gain control treatment in an electrolytic bath and a final purification of citric acid.

Magnetic switch after treatment in an electrolytic bath and a final purification of citric acid.

Magnetic switch after treatment in an electrolytic bath and a final purification of citric acid.

Magnetic switch after treatment in an electrolytic bath and a final purification of citric acid.

From work to repair the broken elevator.


So it's a new year, and we still have infinite amount of work to do with the plane and the events surrounding it

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. A tiny step in the right direction is that now our, former, often mentioned Munters ML 180 dehumidifier assembled and ready for start. We are obviously excited about what dewpoint dehumidifier fails to deliver, and possibly what we must do in addition to seal Heinkel hall for air leaks. Fortunately, we have several low-cost as we can take if it proves necessary.

Roar Henriksen leggger finishing touches on the installation work.

Roar Henriksen leggger finishing touches on the installation work.


So it is again in July and we who work with Heinkel He 115 project wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We have in the past worked to get mounted and ready for start-up by a newly acquired Munters ML 180 luftavfukter

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. After a long time waiting for the fabriken were getting ready to deliver us a new new dryer, appeared finally wonder up with us at the museum. For that we should be able to make run for regenerating, up and downstream dryer, it was necessary to drill holes through one of the heavily reinforced concrete walls. Now stand the dryer on its place in the new bin in the Heinkel hall, much of the assembly work is now done, and we are looking forward to soon being able to start it up for the first time.

The purchase of the dehumidifier is a result of one of the advice that we have received from Thorfinn Harbor, Prof Dr II. ing
. Materials Science / corrosion and conservator Eirik Arebrot. The reason is the knowledge that the corrosion stops if the salt is isolated from being able to absorb moisture from the environment. This is a measure one get good a good effect of by reducing the moisture content in the environment of the smaller one 35- 40 % relative humidity.

Early November was totally unexpected this inquiry from England “Hello, My name is Nigel and I’m from the UK. I have got an instrument cluster from a He 115 if you would like it for your restoration
. My father got this whist he was in the RAF based at a Air sea rescue and float plane yard. If you would like I could send you some photos” After a few rounds of questions and answers has now Nigel Cross packed and made ready for sending us this gorgeous “Christmas present”. Photos and more detailed information will follow once we have received the package in house.

Julius Miltenis started drilling holes in the concrete wall for us. Boren cuts through large amounts rebar almost as if it should be clean concrete.

Julius Miltenis started drilling holes in the concrete wall for us. Boren cuts through large amounts rebar almost as if it should be clean concrete.

Munters ML 180 dehumidifier while still standing in the workshop.

Munters ML 180 dehumidifier while still standing in the workshop.




Roar Henriksen made a series of experiments with the use of electrolysis to clean steel to corrosion and pollution

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. Attached are pictures of a file that was found loose in the plane
. When we found the file, so it looks like a rust a big lump, that it was not possible to guess what contained. As the pictures show, the file is now again as new.

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